Sunday, November 2, 2008

The Dirty Good (A Willie Stark Monologue)

The Crusades, the Inquisition, the Salem Witch Trials;
All evil deeds done in the name of good.
As a lay dying, their story and my own are one.

I began the stupid country bumpkin.
I got nothing done for nobody,
but I made it big alright.
All those high-class sons of bitches are licking my boots now.
They'll start making a line soon enough.
I was the Boss.

I swear I stepped on as few toes as possible.
Those girls were just accidents.
I didn't blackmail anyone who didn't deserve it.
Who says the judge shouldn't have payed for his own sins.
The lead in my chest says everyones gotta pay sometime.
It coulda all been different for him too after all.

A mother raises the children.
My boy is a good boy, but he needs a mother.
Lucy shoulda tempered him.
Shoulda said when I was doin wrong.
They didn't understand what the evil was for.

I got the doctor with me.
He's a piece of good.
If someone that high on his horse follows
There's gotta be good in my work.
They can't see.
It's all part of the plan.

And Sadie... Gawd almight Sadie learn how the game is played.
The girl couldn't keep her damned head on straight.
The girl couldn't see I was married for God's sakes.
The girl couldn't see how little she mattered.

Sugar Boy and Duffy... animals.
Animals on my leash.
While they're just a bunch of dogs,
Even animals have their uses.
Sugar is just a human gun,
and Tiny is a lil' lapdog.

But Jack... oh God I'm sorry Jack
He's the one I wish I coulda saved from all this.
Jack's a good boy.
Jack shouldn't be in this mess.
It shoulda all been different with Jack.

1 comment:

APLITghosts said...

Interesting pic. Which sculpture is that? I recognize it, but I cannot remember. Is it from Greek Mythology? I like the poem, but I want to do more. I want more insight on what Willie did and why. I'd like to truly understand his motivation. In the beginning you seem to hint at him doing things for power. Explore that idea a bit more. - Elms